Request a quote

Request a quote for tins from our standard assortment

Requesting a quote for standard tins can be done by adding the desired tins to your quote request. Every tin from our assortment can easily be added; just click the 'add to quote' button to do so. In the blue label on the right, you will then see the tin being added. Next, click on "see and send" in order to let us know your desired amount. You can also do this after adding multiple tins to your quote request . Important to know is that we work with packaging units. For example, tins are packaged per 6, 12 or 24. This is always indicated in the product description and in the quote request. 

Request a quote for custom-made tins

You can also request a quote for custom-made tins. These promotional tins can completely be made according to your wishes and are suitable for promoting your product or brand. Tins can be customized with regards to shape, printing or with embossing. 

You can request a quote for promotional tins by filling out the form. Here, you can mention what your wishes are and how many tins you need. 

Wist u dat? Onze Fabergé eieren zijn replica’s van de originele eieren die Carl Fabergé eind 1800 voor de Russische Tsaren maakte.

Marcel Faber, Verkoop / Office
Marcel Faber, Verkoop / Office
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